Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Thank You For Your Donation!

Thank you for your interest in donating to Resonance Reviews! We really appreciate it! 

 In case you were wondering what your donation will be used for, there are three strict uses: 

 1: To purchase audio-analysis hardware. This lets us perform very detailed inspections of the sound signature of audio-hardware, and make more objective analasyes. 
 2: To purchase a camera to take photos, and maybe even video, of the products being reviewed. The camera will be used only in projects related to Resonance Reviews 
 3: To purchase an maintain a custom domain. This allows us to simplify the way you reach us: by not staying tied to the top-level (technically second-level) domain. Not only does this cost money up-front, but requires funds to maintain over time. 

 Once again, thank you very much for your interest in donating to Resonance Reviews. The donation button can be found below.